Book 3-29 [remastered] it speaks!

Book 3-29 [remastered] it speaks!


3 thoughts on “Book 3-29 [remastered] it speaks!”

  1. Cobalt Comet says:

    Oh come on Ropet Philomina all that footage of her playing with doll Philomina should have clued you in that you should just nod. Like a husband.

    1. kokomo says:

      sick yet accurate burn

  2. Yet_One_More_Idiot says:

    Yeah, all that footage of Tia playing with the stuffed toy Philomena 1.0 and the ro-pet couldn’t figure out that in all that time, Tia did all the talking for both sides of the conversation?

    Then again, it was programmed by Grace to learn from and mimic Tia’s EXPECTATIONS, not reality… xDDD Nice job breaking it, hero! xD

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