Book 3-19 [remastered] lamp care

Book 3-19 [remastered] lamp care


6 thoughts on “Book 3-19 [remastered] lamp care”

  1. cogwheelbrain says:

    the remaster looks awesome – I dunno why but the improved lighting pulls at the heartstrings even more than before.

    1. Shieltar says:

      Possibly because the bad art of the original pannel 1 is no longer distracting you, and the lighting looks more convincing.

  2. Yet_One_More_Idiot says:


    Despite that squeaky sound effect though, does the lamp actually move between the first and last panels, or do my eyes deceive me? xD

    Also, all the hugs to lil Tia for being such a cute ‘n caring little mommy. <3

    1. Shieltar says:

      Technically speeking? No, they are all exact copy pastes. But the idea was that she moves the lamp such a teeny tiny amount that you can’t tell.

      1. Yet_One_More_Idiot says:

        I did wonder if it was my eyes playing tricks… 😉

        And yeah, VulpesRex, I thought that was the context of the page. 🙂

    2. VulpesRex says:

      It’s “adjusting something which doesn’t need adjusting”, out of Concern to get it just right. She’s worried, and wants to take no chances that it might all go wrong if she isn’t hypervigilant.

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