Full name : Grace Harmoney
Daughter of Prof Harmoney, Grace has adopted his creations, Princess and Luna as her daughter and has become there Mummy.
Above all, Grace loves her little pony daughters and will do what she feels is best for them.
Full name : Luna Harmoney
Luna is the latest addition to the family. Created to be a life long companion to Tia, unlike her sister Luna was not made in perfect laboritory conditions and started life younger and smaller as a result.
…yes blasting someone is the best way to make them apologize.
If only she had read the right book, or any books, or read at all.
Celestia has a lot to learn.
I rember someone telling me the story of Icarus at that age, Anansi steeling the moon, James Thurber Of Many Moons, Peter and 42 hats, even Lyl the Crocodile….we never saw mom ever read her anything, or tell a story.
We saw them play pirates, did she read any Peter Pan or Trrasur Island? Did I miss that?
Soldiers and castels at the beach. What stories were those from?
Yes, the monstrous man is looking for sources of magic to consume…so of course, Tia, blasting him with a huge beam of your magic will be the best way to stop him.
O, wait a minute…
World-ending Ponification Wave incoming in T minus 3 weeks… xD
First, am I the only one who feels like the directer/Discord looks cute there? Like a lil baby donkey or something. Also, I sense an imminent ponification blast. 3, 2, 1, AND THATS HOW EQUESTRIA WAS MADE!
Huh. Celestia blew up the entire strip?
you would expect by now that the strip would have enough magic protection.
It’s a picture of Celestia with her main and tail dyed white standing in a blizzard looking away from us.
It’s like there’s nothing at all….
Oh. Crapbaskets.
I hear boss music!
its in latin!
I’m hearing the music at the climax of Secret of NIMH.
I’m talking about the battle between Justin and Jenner.
…..whether it was discord, his father or some ancestors was not given me to know..
…yes blasting someone is the best way to make them apologize.
If only she had read the right book, or any books, or read at all.
Celestia has a lot to learn.
she is only like what 4… 5 years old ?
I rember someone telling me the story of Icarus at that age, Anansi steeling the moon, James Thurber Of Many Moons, Peter and 42 hats, even Lyl the Crocodile….we never saw mom ever read her anything, or tell a story.
We saw them play pirates, did she read any Peter Pan or Trrasur Island? Did I miss that?
Soldiers and castels at the beach. What stories were those from?
Behold the first Draconaquus!
Seen enough. RUN!!!
Second, actually.
Oh yeah, I forgot, he’s there too.
I have a feeling this still isn’t going to help him when he inevitably has to face off against three Alicorns
Hey?Where is mom?
she just saw this evil guy kill her daughters pet, punch her father and her child hitting a man in the face!
Where is she?
Arn, the mom “Grace” is still protecting Luna in a bush. Away from danger.
Why I am hearing “one winged angel”?
Oh look the Director has become more handsome. Not really a hard achievement.
At least he looks cute
Yes, the monstrous man is looking for sources of magic to consume…so of course, Tia, blasting him with a huge beam of your magic will be the best way to stop him.
O, wait a minute…
World-ending Ponification Wave incoming in T minus 3 weeks… xD
the director is evolving XD
Thanksgiving coming.
Time to cook a turkey.
Whitehead or….whatever discord is.
First, am I the only one who feels like the directer/Discord looks cute there? Like a lil baby donkey or something. Also, I sense an imminent ponification blast. 3, 2, 1, AND THATS HOW EQUESTRIA WAS MADE!
Behold, the birth of Discord…By Celestia’s own hooves too…no wonder she hates him so much in the series.
Not quite. Go back and read the first part of Book 6. Discord already existed as another synthetic magical creature, much like Celestia and Luna.
HOLD THE PHONE….this plot looks familiar to one of my fanfic plots…but I won’t jump the gun just yet.
Bro… this story has been around for about 9 years at this point.
I think I have it beat: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/16690/a-fillys-tale
VERY OLD fanfic of mine. I ain’t gonna complain if they do take the same route. It’d be kinda like my fanfic coming to life in a way which is awesome.
mind you, the direction I think they may be going was merely a flashback lore dump by a secondary character in my story but still.
When gods fight, everyone else loses.