That gif kinda sums up my thoughts atm lol
Like if I’m interpreting this correctly, that magical supernova didn’t just affect the earth but THE ENTIRE GALAXY. The big question is this: How far did this magical supernova affect the known universe? Did it stick to the milky way or go out even farther?
Well, we know the magical world of equestria includes the moon and sun. I don’t think the affect extends beyond our own solar system though. Not unless there’s an episode where the ponies got into a space ship to visit other worlds and I missed it.
So until that episode airs, the magical explosion extended as far as our solar system and no more.
At least now we know where the changelings come from. TBH it took me quite a bit of searching to find the people they originate from 🙂
Also, quite interesting which kind of changelings they are.
Hrm.. in the last panel. He’s starting to look familiar. 🙂
Huh, so the mooks in black became changelings. That makes a surprising amount of sense.
See, that kinda statement is best used by Discord(aka: Bedlam) when he tries again to absorb their magic/kill them and fails again. 😛
Still blaming anyone but himself, huh?
Grace: Hey Director, don’t you dare blame MY LITTLE PONIES!
*and rolllllllllllll credits*
Grace SMASH!!.. the director. Or maybe the tree of harmony will drop an apple on his head and knock him out.
Or he’ll discover more gravity XD
But what Ponies, he will have a surprise now… xD
The Director has finished becoming a draconequus. He is Discord’s father. Badlam.
I think you mean Bedlam?
Hmm, I think I would’ve named him… Chaos. >:D
Another good name for him could be Paradox if you ask me.
this is amazing
The end of boe ? No… What’s next ? THEY KILLED PHILOMENA!! This CANT end like that!! Please…Shieltar…you can’t do that…meanie old man
So I just caught up with the last 4-5 pages and well…
That gif kinda sums up my thoughts atm lol
Like if I’m interpreting this correctly, that magical supernova didn’t just affect the earth but THE ENTIRE GALAXY. The big question is this: How far did this magical supernova affect the known universe? Did it stick to the milky way or go out even farther?
Well, we know the magical world of equestria includes the moon and sun. I don’t think the affect extends beyond our own solar system though. Not unless there’s an episode where the ponies got into a space ship to visit other worlds and I missed it.
So until that episode airs, the magical explosion extended as far as our solar system and no more.