Book 3-00 [remastered] explenation

Book 3-00 [remastered] explenation


11 thoughts on “Book 3-00 [remastered] explenation”

  1. Tails2Power. says:

    Grace’s cutie mark is wrong just to let you know.

  2. kokomo says:

    Thanks, Yet-One-More-Idiot!

      1. Tatsurou says:

        Thank you!

  3. Jakyr says:

    Thank you for your hard work and continued refining! AND THANK YOU YET-ONE-MORE-IDIOT

  4. Eroraf says:

    Thank you, Shieltar! Thank you, Yet-One-More-Idiot!

    So, I guess that’s confirmation that The Director finding them is the cliffhanger from which the next (and last) chapter will pick up? Definitely looking forward to that!

    1. kokomo says:

      *slowly dies of anticipation* But no rush, Shieltar!

  5. Cylestea says:

    thanks guys 😀

  6. roguim says:

    Thank you for the hard work Shieltar and Yet-One-More-Idiot.
    take your time and continue the good work.

  7. Nickyboy5038 says:

    So wait, chapter 8 is the “final chapter?” So that’s where it’s going to end? Either way I love all the hard work you’ve done for this and, thank you!

    1. Shieltar says:

      no, the next chapter is going to be the finnal chapter.

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