Book 3-09 [remastered] a REALLY big light

Book 3-09 [remastered] a REALLY big light


6 thoughts on “Book 3-09 [remastered] a REALLY big light”

  1. LunacyDreamer says:

    Whew, almost hit the family jewels there. You’re one lucky astronaut!

  2. Yet_One_More_Idiot says:

    That astronaut nearly got his astro-nuts fried! xD I’m available if Grace still needs that hug… ^^

  3. AeroTendo says:

    That astronaut could have been the first pony in space if it’d hit them! Or maybe a space pony? Hmm, I wonder if Luna would have had company when she got sent to the moon then?

  4. HobbesTCat says:

    I love how quick these are coming out. Rereading everything so closely together helps me remember a lot of what I forgot.

  5. Xanderfox says:

    Unbroken beam from Celestia’s horn to the sun, now she’s nuclear powerd

  6. Mommy5260 says:

    That astronaut is gonna have some interesting kids

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