Full name : Grace Harmoney
Daughter of Prof Harmoney, Grace has adopted his creations, Princess and Luna as her daughter and has become there Mummy.
Above all, Grace loves her little pony daughters and will do what she feels is best for them.
Full name : Professor Gerald Harmoney
The maverick genius who brought the world magical talking pony's and got fired as a result. Even now his work controls his existence. Only now it's walking around on 4 legs and demanding cuddles.
Panel 5: Hahaha nope, psych!
But on a more serious note, this was such a touching moment between Tia and mommy…and Gerald’s absolutely right: That could’ve all gone so much worse – although it’s not over yet..
Just wondering Shieltar – is this the end of Book 8? It feels like the kinda cliffhangery sort of place to declare the end of the book, just before the Director shows up to the party.
Even if it’s not the second big bang, It’s probably leading to it by drawing the Director to them, I wonder how he’ll act towards them, will he fake being pleasant or will he just go straight into to trying to kidnapping them.
So not trolling. Grace makes a pretty alicorn. Play nice director or I will ***** ****** ***** with your***** ******* ***** ***** ***************** **** *****!
How do you know exactly when it was conceived? Also surely it’s possible that being inside a mommy who is constantly shape-changing could have some effect on the poor child/foal/youngling/whatevs? xD
maybe the baby will also be able to shape-shift, or will change whenever Grace changes, like, if Grace becomes pony for any reason, baby changes too, without control. Also, what if Grace changes while giving birth? since she will now be about 3 months till the baby comes as a pone.
Ok now that the bad guy has shown up with his own Discord powers to go up against 3 alicorns and one unicorn (prof’s a unicorn now, right?) this should lead to a very interesting confrontation.
Their is another thing I am expecting. I don’t think the directors magic will work so well near the tree of Harmony. Chaos and harmony being opposites and all. Not to mention the tree just got a major infusion of magic.
Considering this comic been going since the shuttle….that Obama retired…
Well it just mean shuttle was brought back by Trump* aw nuts!
Well that’s ok! The shuttle came back in…2024…ya….
What I thought this comic was the birth of Equestria! What happened next? I want to know! And pls tell me that you are making another book? If you are when? I’m really curious about what happens next.
Panel 5: Hahaha nope, psych!
But on a more serious note, this was such a touching moment between Tia and mommy…and Gerald’s absolutely right: That could’ve all gone so much worse – although it’s not over yet..
Just wondering Shieltar – is this the end of Book 8? It feels like the kinda cliffhangery sort of place to declare the end of the book, just before the Director shows up to the party.
Even if it’s not the second big bang, It’s probably leading to it by drawing the Director to them, I wonder how he’ll act towards them, will he fake being pleasant or will he just go straight into to trying to kidnapping them.
So not trolling. Grace makes a pretty alicorn. Play nice director or I will ***** ****** ***** with your***** ******* ***** ***** ***************** **** *****!
Welcome to the new after-the-watershed, NSFW version of Blankety-Blank! xD
I’m waiting for that moment when Tia realises Mummy has a horn now…and when Lulu sees it too. They’re both gonna flip! <3
Princess & luna(at seeing graces new horn): @_@
Grace: umm… girls? Wha….
Princess & Luna: MOM YOU YOU HAVE A HORN!!!
GRACE: @_@
Honestly? I always wondered why a mother wouldn’t have a horn when her daughters didn’t. So I’m glad that got resolved!
I suppose because they were created as alicorn pones, whereas Grace was transformed from human into pone?
Gerald’s gonna flip when he sees his horny daughter.
…did you have to go and say exactly what we were all thinking?
someone had to
Yes, yes I did.
Well pregnancy hormones have been known to make ladies horny.
Well damn, looks like Grace leveled up.
You know the genie can only be temporarily contained.
Now there’s THREE alicorns… Possibly four if Grace’s unborn foal/child ascended at the same time…
Assuming her unborn offspring is even a pony…for all we know, it could still be a Changeling, born inside a mother who keeps changing… >_>
But given that both Grace and Mark were in pony forms when the kid was conceived…. It won’t be a Changeling
How do you know exactly when it was conceived?
Also surely it’s possible that being inside a mommy who is constantly shape-changing could have some effect on the poor child/foal/youngling/whatevs? xD
maybe the baby will also be able to shape-shift, or will change whenever Grace changes, like, if Grace becomes pony for any reason, baby changes too, without control. Also, what if Grace changes while giving birth? since she will now be about 3 months till the baby comes as a pone.
What if her unborn foal/child has ascended to a god being? After all, when Goku joined with other saiyans, he became a saiyan god right?
uh oh the bad dude has come wut is going to happen next?
So…am I the only one whose noticed the tree of harmony near the house?
Yes, the Professor brought it with him when he sold his own house, and planted it next to the new house back on page 15.
All the magic unleashed just now sure grew it a lot.
As Big Mark might say… Eeeeeeyup.
Ok now that the bad guy has shown up with his own Discord powers to go up against 3 alicorns and one unicorn (prof’s a unicorn now, right?) this should lead to a very interesting confrontation.
Well with his chaos powers, he may try more subtle tactics than a direct and aggressive confrontation…
I don’t know, subtle doesn’t seem to be his style.
By the way…
Happy New Year!
Also looks like I was right. The solution to their problems was pony cuddles.
Dangit, you WERE right!
Pony cuddles – the solution to all of life’s problems, 100% endorsed by the Harmoney family!
Happy New Year!
Omg is grace an alicorn???
She is as of this very page, yeah.
Their is another thing I am expecting. I don’t think the directors magic will work so well near the tree of Harmony. Chaos and harmony being opposites and all. Not to mention the tree just got a major infusion of magic.
Omg I just understood. The Tree of Harmony – of the Harmony family.
Director: Hssssssssssssssss! The magics!!!!!
Grace is an alicorn now, huh? ~Interesting. What does this mean? Is she immortal now, or is it purely cosmetic?
The answer to your questions is: Yes. Possibly.
According to the timeline, Grace is definitely not immortal.
Considering this comic been going since the shuttle….that Obama retired…
Well it just mean shuttle was brought back by Trump* aw nuts!
Well that’s ok! The shuttle came back in…2024…ya….
We have a mix of the Hobbit’s garden and the tree in Narnia Digory planted!
Will willow womp director?
What I thought this comic was the birth of Equestria! What happened next? I want to know! And pls tell me that you are making another book? If you are when? I’m really curious about what happens next.