Book 9-28

Book 9-28


16 thoughts on “Book 9-28”

  1. cogwheelbrain says:

    Yum. Grass. Pass the ketchup, please.

    1. Eroraf says:

      Bold of you to assume that they still remember how to make it. The tomatoes are easy, but what about the vinegar and spices? Can you describe how to make them, starting from raw produce?

      1. Yet_Pone_More_Idiot says:

        Bold of you to assume the tomatoes are easy – they’ve been cultivated over centuries by humans. Are wild/uncultivated tomatoes even similar? Or would you need to start cultivating tomatoes over again from scratch? xD

        1. Dave Van Domelen says:

          I am bold enough to assume that Earth Pony Magic made cultivating new crops a lot easier (e.g. Zap Apples), so keeping tomatoes around was probably not too hard. And if you can make cider, you can (often accidentally) make vinegar. 😉

          1. Dice Warwick says:

            Also I doubt all the knowledge about farming and such would just die out because of this. Likely it would enter a new renaissance do to all the ponies moving out of the cities and suburbs. More likely this era would see the cultivation of magical plants, of which would accidentally get lost in the wild.

            The biggest problem would actually be a ponies ability to defend themselves, and all conventional weapons would be nearly unusable. Just to run a farm would require a lot of ponies just to protect it.

  2. ElementOfKindness says:

    This is so well thought out!
    Kind of terrifying, thinking about being reduced to pulling a taxi cart.
    Also, makes me wonder what became of the rest of equine before the Great Magic Wave.

    1. Yet_Pone_More_Idiot says:

      A pony in this new world pulling a taxi cart isn’t really that much different from a person pulling a rickshaw… 🙂

      1. ElementOfKindness says:

        Fair enough, if one was a rickshaw puller beforehand. Not so great for someone who may have been, say, a musician or surgeon.

  3. Cobalt Comet says:

    Wonder if all of Graces friends moved out to Marks farm with them. Also want to see grace with her new foal.

    1. Danyelle Doucet says:

      Same here!

      1. Cobalt Comet says:

        Also need lots and lots of foal pictures. Like Grace with her newborn foal. Spoon feeding.. or trying to spoon feed the foal mashed peas and them both covered with more food than the foal ate. You know the typical baby pictures. Like the one my parents had of me eating spaghetti. Cute and funny.

        1. Danyelle Doucet says:

          Was that a reference to Flurry Heart?

          1. Cobalt Comet says:


  4. Ferro says:

    Now I just wonder, seeing all the traits that actually define the new races- Were people transformed on random, or actually according to their personalities?

  5. roguim says:

    Welcome to this new brave Pony world.

  6. sailtor says:

    I find it hard to believe that dragons would allow a bank to be closed down, knowing it will reduce their wealth.

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